Board policies and documents
1000 Legal Status and Operation
1205 Board of Directors Power and Duties
1240 Duties of Individual Directors
1405 School Board Use of Electronic Mail and Social Media
1500P Board of Directors Meeting Procedure
1510 Open Meeting Law Compliance and Cure
1520 Public Participation in Board Meeting
1520F Request to Appear Before the Board
2140 Student and Family Privacy
2140F Student and Family Privacy
2320 Health Enhancement Education
2335 Digital Citizenship and Safety Education
2340 Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom
2340F Parental Op-Out Form for Sex Education
2345 Speakers in the Classroom and at School Functions
2345P Controversial Speakers Procedure
2410 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
2410P Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
2420 Title I Parent Involvement
2420P Parent and Family Engagement Guidelines
2700 High School Graduation Requirements
3000 Entrance, Placement and Transfer
3030 Part-time Attendance Dual Enrollment
3060 Education of Homeless Children
3085 Sexual Harassment Discrimination and Retaliation
3200 Student Rights and Responsibilities
3220 Student Use of Building Equal Access
3270 Charter School-Provided Access To Electronic Information Services and Networks
3270F Internet Access Conduct Agreement
3270P Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks
3280 Equal Education, Nondiscrimination, and Sex Equity
3285 Relationship Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
3290 Sexual Harassment and Intimidation of Students
3290F Harassment Reporting Form for Students
3295 Hazing Harassment Intimidation Bullying Cyber Bullying
3295F - Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber-bullying Form
3295P - Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber-bullying Procedures
3305 Prohibition Of Tobacco Possession and Use
3320 Substance and Alcohol Abuse
3330P Alturas Behavior Plan and Code of Conduct
3340P Corrective Actions and Punishments
3340 Corrective Actions and Punishments
3345 Seclusions, Restraint and Aversive Techniques
3500 Student Health Physical Screenings Examinations
3500F Notice of Health Services
3505F1 Acknowledgment of Receipt of Concussion Guidelines
3505F2 Authorization to Return to Play and Participate in Sports
3510F1 - Authorization for Self-Administered Medication
3510F2 - Indemnification Hold Harmless Agreement for Self-Administration of Medication
3518 Treatment of Opioid Overdoses
3520 Contagious or Infectious Diseases
3525 Immunization Requirements
3530 Student Suicide Prevention Intervention and Response
3545 Students Interviews Interrogations or Arrests
3545F1 Form for Signature of Arresting Officer
3545F2 Form for Signature of Interviewing Officer
3550 Removal of Student During School Day
3550P Removal of Student During School Day
3570F Notification to Parents and Students of Rights Concerning a Students School Records
3575 Student Data Privacy and Security
4120 Uniform Grievance Procedure
4120F Uniform Grievance Procedure
4130 Public Access to Charter School Website
4150 Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
4160 Parent’s Right to Know Notices
4260 Records Available to Public
4260F Charter School Records Request Form
4320 Disruption of School Operations
4400 Relations with Law Enforcement and Child Protective Agencies
5100 Hiring Process and Criteria
5100P1 Procedures for Obtaining Personnel Records
5120 Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
5250 Certificated Staff Grievances
5272 Food Service Department Code of Conduct
5320 Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace
5340 Evaluation of Certified Employees
5390 Employment Referrals and Prevention of Sexual Abuse
5400 Leave of Absence and Sick Leave
5410P Family and Medical Leave Procedure
5470 Leaves of Absence - Military Leave
5500P Procedures for Releasing Personnel Records to Hiring Idaho Public Schools
5800 Classified Employment, Assignment, and Grievance
7320 Allowable Uses for Grant Funds
7400F Time and Effort Documentation
7400P Procurement Under a Federal Award
7400T Federal and Effort Reporting Policy and Procedures
7403 Procurement of Goods and Services for School Meal Programs
7430 Travel Allowances and Expenses
7455 Inventory and Property Management Policy and Procedures
8105 Extracurricular Transportation
8105F Extracurricular Transportation Liability Waiver
8105P Extracurricular Transportation Discipline
8115 Hours of Service of Drivers
8120 Bus Routes, Stops and Non-Transportation Zones
8130 Transportation of Students with Disabilities
8150 Unauthorized School Bus Entry
8160 Contracting for Transportation Services
8180 Driver Training and Responsibility
8185 Use of Wireless Communication Devices by Bus Drivers
8190 Emergencies Following Transportation
8320 Fire Drills and Evacuation Plans
8320P Emergency Drills Rules and Procedures
8520 Inspection of Charter School Facilities
*Policies will be updated as they are approved and made available by the Board.